HP envy dv7 with Intel/Nvidia 630M slow for games (steam)

This all is obsolete now. It works without any problems with the latest Ubuntu/Mint versions.

I have this laptop: HP envy dv7 with Intel/Nvidia 630M

And I wanted to play some games via STEAM.
It didn't work, it was slow like.... well.... Intel processing ;)

I tried every tip I've found in the INTERNET.
At the end I'm even not sure what helped exactly.

But try this: (found here)

Type or copy/paste each line:
  • sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
    This will remove your current nVidia drivers (using the one provided below gives a much more stable response)
  • sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core
  • sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    The above two lines should fix Xorg
  • sudo update-alternatives --remove gl_conf /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf
After this reïnstall nVidia software
  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
    This provides the necessary repository (assuming you removed it)
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia nvidia-319 nvidia-settings-319

After this I'm not sure it worked right away. But try it anyway before you continue.

In the meantime I red about CUDA, so I installed whatever I've found.

Synaptic Package Manager looks like this now (Search for nvidia):

And I had to delete: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Better you rename it, just in case.

But after all this I was surprised that it actually worked.

I configured Bumblebee for "performance".

Sorry I can't be more specific but I installed / unInstalled everything I've found. Even another kernel...
Of course I erased as much as I could between, for a cleaner start.


Blackscreen after installing linux mint

If you think it could be because of the wrong nvidia-drivers: Try this.

Remove the drivers:

sudo nvidia-settings --uninstall
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*

Remove configurations (to reset)

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Go to the "Driver Manager" and try to install another driver.

The latest driver (not the one that was recommended) was working for me. 


FeSTige doesn't show the running plugin (GUI)

Windows VST plugins running with FeSTige.

You have a list of VST-Plugins configured in FeSTige. Now you click on the one you want to use...
You can't see it (but your taskmanger says: It was started and is running).

Go to "settings" -> "main"
Switch to "dssi-vst" (from fst)

Now try it again. You'll see the plugins-gui now.


Linux can't see anything anymore OR can't boot with wrong graphics setup

After you have "hacked" around with your wrong graphic drivers. Or you just wanted do fiddle around new setups for the screen.

You boot again.
Now it hangs....
OR it shows nothing anymore.

Take a boot-able disk / stick and boot into that linux.

Search for the file on your drive of "the other defective linux on the machine".


Copy / paste this over everything:

Section "Device"
   Identifier   "Configured Video Device"
   Driver      "fbdev"

Section "Monitor"
   Identifier   "Configured Monitor"

Section "Screen"
   Identifier   "Default Screen"
   Monitor      "Configured Monitor"
   Device      "Configured Video Device"

Now you can reboot your PC and it will start into a default resolution. Change it from there to whatever you like.
I was so glad I've found this tip!


Folder with sub-folders, change rights

sudo find "foldername" -exec chmod a+rwx {} ";"

Now you have all the rights on the folder selected, including the sub-folders with all it's files.


Mint/Ubuntu no sound with flash

After installing a flash driver (no official one) I had no sound at all.
Try installing flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound over "Synaptic Package Manager" (or Terminal). You can search for: "flash sound".

Reboot and the sound is there.


Xubuntu - Change Icon of a program / launcher on the desktop

You have some icons on your desktop you want to change?

You can right-click on it but there is no "change icon" selection.

Ok. Right-click it again.
Choose "Properties".

On the left there is a Icon.
Click it!

Now you can change the icon.

(I was looking everywhere until I find this. Now (because I know) I think it's so easy!)

Can't disable a Screen-saver under Xubuntu

Watching a movie and suddenly it switches to a black screen. It's anoing.

The Screen-saver was disable by the way and so was the Power Manager.

Open terminal and type:

xset q

You can see a list of information including some infos about "Screen Saver".
Does it say "prefer blanking YES"?

There is the problem.

You could set it of with "xset s noblank". But after reboot it does it again.

The solution is to put the following line into a "Application Autostart" call.

bash -c "xset s noblank; xset s off"

Solution found here: